Cave Training

Cave Site

Defined as an enclosed body of water containing overhangs, silt, darkness zones, and passages that are at all times large enough for two divers to swim adjacent to each other and turn around together. Cave sites allow a maximum penetration of 1/3 of a twin cylinder gas supply.


Before commencement of a CDAA Cave Diver training program the candidate must:

  1. Must hold a CDAA Basic Cave, Deep Cavern or Sinkhole Diver certification or equivalent approved by the National Committee.
  2. Must have logged a minimum of 20 basic cave dives in at least 2 different sites totalling a minimum of 10 hours. Dives may be any combination of open or closed circuit systems.


Must hold a Rebreather diver certification for the unit they intended to be used in the training. 

Must have a logged a minimum of 50 post course rebreather dives totalling a minimum of 50 hours.


To include equipment, anti-silting techniques, dive planning, decompression related to cave diving, line techniques, underwater communications, emergency / problem solving, cave conservation, air consumption, physiological considerations, access protocols, accident analysis.


Minimum requirements include:

  1. Suitable exposure suit for >10 degrees water (wetsuit or drysuit) 
  2.  2 x Mask and 1 set of fins
  3. Small sharp cutting device
  4. Dive computer
  5. Compass
  6. BCD or wing/backplate/harness
  7. Twin cylinders of with combined minimum capacity of 3000 litres
  8. Two regulator first stages each with one second stage attached, one of which that has a hose at least 2 metres in length
  9. One primary and two back up lights
  10. Wetnotes or pencil and slate
  11. 6 x personal line markers and 2 x line arrows
  12. Primary reel with minimum 100m of line
  13. 3 x jump reels/spools

Skill Sessions

To include line laying and reel use, reel locking and abandonment, air sharing while following a line with mask blacked out, line entanglement and cutting, buoyancy and anti-silting techniques, communications, gas management.

Supervised Dives

Six dives in CDAA rated Cavern and Cave sites.




Cave Instructors
Chris EDWARDS (CDAA 2247)
Phone: 0417 116 372
Address: Hampton North 3188 VIC AU
Training from Basic Cave through Cave Level
Gary BARCLAY (CDAA 1735)
Phone: 0407 527 921
Address: Koroit 3282 VIC AU
Training from Basic Cave through to Advanced Cave Level
Geoff PAYNTER (CDAA 3784)
Phone: 0407 445112
Address: Bunbury 6231 WA AU
Training from Basic Cave through to Advanced Cave Level
Jane BOWMAN (CDAA 1880)
Phone: 0407 566 455
Address: Mount Martha 3934 VIC AU
Training from Basic Cave to Advanced Cave Level
Phone: 0407887060
Address: Thornbury 3071 VIC AU
Training from Basic Cave through to Advanced Cave Level
Josip BICANIC (CDAA 4691)
Phone: 0412 571 779
Address: Duncraig 6023 WA AU
Training from Basic Cave to Advanced Cave Level
Linda CLARIDGE (CDAA 2214)
Phone: 0408 052 070
Address: Koroit 3282 VIC AU
Training from Basic Cave to Advanced Cave Level
Rubens MONACO (CDAA 1731)
Phone: 0413 429 433
Address: Rosebud 3939 VIC AU
Training from Basic Cave through to Advanced Cave Level
Timothy PAYNE (CDAA 2640)
Phone: 0448 147 927
Address: One Tree Hill 5114 SA AU
Training from Basic Cave to Advanced Cave Level